Hey Everyone...
Here are a bunch of recent (August to date) Digital Pics of mine, thing's that I like and that I want to "share" with you.
You can look at them individually or as a Slide Show! This is sort of a cool way to send images without sending you HUGH Files!!!
Click on the email Photo Image below or...Paste the following Photo Link:
Note: This personal Yahoo Site is very secure...no Popups or other nasty stuff...just nice UpNorth Images!
Enjoy them and...Merry Christmas. Please accept our heartfelt wish to you and your family, for a Happy and Healthy New Year, filled with Love, Peace and Prosperity.
Donald, Karen and Michelle Harrison
Home) 248-478-6554
Don's Work) 800-482-3929 Ext. #206
Frankfort) 231-352-6456
Don: dw_harrison@msn.com
Thanks for Viewing MY YAHOO! Photos!...Here are some recent Photos to share...
"A picture is a poem without words."
Horace (Lyric Poet 8 BC)
"Do you know what a camera is? A mirror with a memory."
Author Unknown
"There are always two people in every picture...the photographer and the viewer."
Ansel Adams